School Pantry

Simplifying food access for families

School Pantries are a collaborative effort between Second Harvest Food Bank of East Tennessee, community partners who provide local program coordination and volunteers, and an ever-increasing number of public schools within the Food Bank’s 18-county service area.

Expanding our reach

This program operates in counties and schools where the need for food is greatest, where the percentage of students at an economic disadvantage is the highest, and where students and their families are underserved through other programs. 

Consistent and convenient

School Pantries are located on school property, and food distributions take place each month on a set day and time. Most often, a drive-through model is used for distribution.

Offerings and impact

School Pantries provide children and their families with a wide variety of staple items.

These items help them stretch their monthly food budgets and provide access to food pantry resources in an accessible and familiar location.

School Pantry by the numbers​

12—the current number of counties in which the program operates

17—the current number of participating schools

6—the number of counties that do not have a School Pantry within our 18-county service area

2,052—the number of people benefiting from School Pantries each month

263,000+—the number of meals provided by School Pantries during the 2023-2024 school year

120—the average number of people served by a single School Pantry each month

316,243—the pounds of food delivered to School Pantries in the 2023-2024 school year

$0—the cost to the schools/families and children receiving School Pantry food

Get in touch

For more information, please contact Sam, our Youth and Senior Programs Manager.


Reach out today to learn more about what we do, get involved, or for additional information about our resources.